John McGannon – Professional Wild Game Chef, Columnist, Presenter
With nearly forty years of perfecting his culinary skill set in some of the leading restaurants throughout the United States (and Hong Kong) AND a lifelong hunter and fisherman Chef John McGannon has bridged his two loves…..Haute Cuisine and the Wild…..hence the birth of WildEats back in 1995
Founder Wildeats Enterprises® Pacifica, CA, 1995 / present Producer of Superior Spice Blends and Rubs, designed for fish and game, Outdoor/Sportsman related Publishing, Outdoor Culinary Adventures, Author/chef/contributing culinary writer to sporting publications.
Director of The McGannon Culinary Group, San Francisco, CA, 1991/current
Cooking Demonstrations, Restaurant consultations, International Guest Chef Appearances
Host of TV’s “Outdoor Cuisine”, Outdoor Life Network, 1996
Author of OUTDOOR CUISINE, Behind the Scene, 1997 (currently sold out)
National Seminar Speaker – RMEF, FNAWS, MDF National Conventions, ISE Events
Contributing Writer – Bugle Magazine’s CARNIVORE’S KITCHEN…Eating Wild, Mule Deer Foundation Magazine – CUISINE ELEVATION, Outdoor NEWS – Taste of the Wild. Cooking WILD Magazine, Sports Afield, Peterson Hunting Magazine, Eastman’s Hunting Journal