Off the Record Podcast Eps 25 : Time to Clean Out the Wild Game Freezer!
On Episode 25 of Off the Record with The Sporting Chef & Michelle, Chef Scott & Michelle remind us that hunting season’s comin’ so it’s time to empty your freezer of last year’s game and fish. Grind things up to make burgers, fish cakes and more tasty meals.
Here’s the recipe for Scott’s fish cakes mentioned in the podcast.
Without any warning at all, they take several tangents including whether people from California are ruining every state, not just Montana & Colorado. Controversy, speculation, and just the right amount of great cooking advice!
Buy pheasants online at MacFarlane Pheasants: https://www.pheasant.com
The Hawaiian Island that was bombed by the Navy was Kahoolawe Island.
Win a Sheep Hunt with Randy (draw on Oct 13) https://adbss.org/shop/product/2021-randy-newberg-sheep-hunt/
Get Scott’s wild game recipes at SportingChef.Com
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Watch Dead Meat Seasons 1-4 and The Sporting Chef on MyOutdoorTV
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