8 Grilled Seafood Recipes

If you’re stuck in a hamburger and steak grilling rut, these grilled seafood recipes will bring some welcome variety to your summer cookouts. Choose from albacore, halibut, salmon, striper, trout, and more. Bacon-Wrapped Grilled Trout I think we can all agree, most things taste better wrapped in bacon — that goes for grilled seafood recipes,…

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Lobster Minnesota

After working in the restaurant business for many years, my wife and gave up on going out to dinner on any holiday. I was always working. And when I finally got out of the business, I realized that special occasions are some of my least favorite times to eat out. Menus are often limited, prices…

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Grilled Spiny Lobster with Tomato Basil Butter

Nothing messes up a delicious lobster more than an overpowering recipe that covers up the mild flavors of the meat. It’s imperative that you cook and eat your lobsters at their freshest, not frozenest. Once they die, the meat degenerates and bacteria grows quickly. Whack ‘em on the back of the head or place the…

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