Blackberry Chipotle Sauce

venison with blackberry sauce

Sweet, sour and spicy — a great combination for any dark-fleshed game, like venison. Just how spicy will be determined by how much chipotle pepper you add to the sauce. You can buy chipotle peppers in a can. They’re hot, but not quite as hot as the adobo sauce they’re packed in. You can also…

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Three Simple Wild Game Grilling Sauces

fish with orange sauce

You’ve got to love it when you stumble upon a recipe that only needs a handful of ingredients, is simple to prepare and, best, tastes great. Chances are good that you won’t bother with a three-page recipe with a long list of obscure ingredients that you can’t even pronounce. Here are some easy sauces that’ll…

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Two Great Salsas

black bean salsa

A departure from traditional tomato salsas, these are two of my favorite grilled venison toppers. After preparing the salsas, let them stand at room temperature for an hour to blend flavors and give them a chance to warm up. Putting cold salsa on a hot venison steak or fish just doesn’t make good sense. Black…

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